Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is powerful sleep-based meditation technique which works primary in two ways: physical restoration through the relaxation response and creating a mediative relationship with thoughts.

Anxiety is often the body’s response to extended pressure.

From the yogic point of view, Anxiety is a fight/ flight or freeze pingala/ ida issue.

Pingala is the inner fire and associated with the left brain. Out of balance it leads to control, fear, doing and fight.

Ida is the receptive energy and connected to the right brain. Signals of an imbalanced Ida are hopelessness, unable to act, freeze state and feeling weak.

The harmony between Ida and Pingala creates a state of health and is a foundation for the main energy Sushumna to raise in the body.

Yoga Nidra balances Ida and Pingala energetically and balances the sympatic and parasympatic nervous system to help to restore the chemical and hormonal balance.


To practice Yoga Nidra, rest in a quiet room on your back in a reclined position with your eyes closed.

The Serenity Bundle

The Art of Transformational Sleep

3x 30min Yoga Nidra Recordings

especially created for Anxiety

55.00 euros (21% VAT included)

The Serenity Bundle is for you if

You want to experience the deepest level of conscious relaxation beyond the mind and enter a theta and delta brainwave state, deeper then sleep.

You want to restore your hormone balance and decrease the cortisol level in the system.

You know the feeling of being in a chronic fight or flight state.

You want to experience a state of being, where your body is completely at ease, yet your mind is alert and aware.

You need support to have a deep and restful sleep.


“My experience with Yoga Nidra with Kati was powerful. I have PCO syndrome and therefore I do not have a regular period. When I did my first session with her, I had not had my period in more than 4 months. The very next day of the Yoga session it came! No pain, no changes on my humor, it was a very easy flow and I felt so energized. It is amazing how one session of Yoga Nidra could reset my hormones.”

Camila, Curacao

I have had the pleasure to experience both Yoga Nidra and Yin Yoga guided by Katharina, and I can highly recommend her classes. She completely embodies that gentle, flowing Yin vibe and infuses that expertly into her classes - I always end up going on beautifully facilitated journeys. I love Katharina’s classes!”

Gabriel, Canada

“When I first met Kati and heard about her work using dolphin therapy for children with severe disabilities, I was immediately aware of her unique positive energy. After getting to know more about her specialized work and seeing pictures of her “floating” children – as well as reading testimonials from parents who spoke of Kati’s major impact on their whole family by connecting with their disable child in a way that no one else ever had – I knew for sure that she was a very special person.

Kati has also been a huge positive force in my life. Her Wataflow treatment left me with a sense of contentment and tranquility that I rarely experience. During one treatment, I remember having an overwhelming contented feeling coming from the thought that my parents unconditionally loved me…and that at the time I was 58 years old!

Now at home, I listen to Kati’s Yoga Nidra recordings to relax and destress, and invariable I come away with a great sense of relief. My friendship with Kati has been a great source of light in my life. I have witnessed her dedication to healing work and I know that everything she does is authentic, comes with careful preparation and always comes from her heart. I hope you will have an opportunity to meet her.”

Kevin, Costa Rica

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"The purpose of Yoga Nidra is to open the Third Eye that sees life at its core, permitting Divine grace to pass through and integrate in the human form, it is the link between the human mind and Divine potential.”

Yogi Amrit Desal